While most European countries have a GDP per capita higher than the world’s average and are very highly developed, some European countries are still now very poor and have a lower GDP per capita. The difference in wealth across Europe can be seen roughly in former Cold War divide, with some countries breaching the divide, such as Greece, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
Before moving to European continent for work or for retirement, it is important to take in consideration the most important objective and subjective factors during the decision-making. The quality of living is one of the most important thing that everybody need to consider before moving to Europe. It is not the same with GDP per capita, as some people may think. The quality of living does not necessary increase when the GDP per capita increase, because it depends from many factors, as economic factors, social factors, climatic factors etc. In this work, we are going to rank the European countries by quality of living.
The country with the highest quality of living in the European continent is Denmark, followed by Switzerland, Finland, Austria and Netherlands.

Russia is in the penultimate place in quality of living ranking and Ukraine is the country with worst quality of life in Europe. For the other European countries, there is no information about this index.
About the data used in this work
Quality of life index is an estimation of overall quality of life. It is calculated by using an empirical formula that takes in consideration the purchasing power index, pollution index, house price to income ratio, cost of living index, safety index, health care index, traffic commute time index and climate index. The higher is the value of the index, better is the quality of life.
The data used in this work are provided by Numbeo and are relating to 2019.