Below you can consult the ranking of the 55 largest insurance companies in the world by total assets. In the first five places in this ranking there are three US companies, one Chinese, one German and one French.
Ping An Insurance is the largest insurance company with USD 1.59 trillion, followed by Allianz SE with USD 1.29 trillion and Berkshire Hathaway with USD 958.78 billion. Fourth place is taken by Prudential Financial with USD 937.58 billion and fifth by AXA SA with USD 877.65 billion.
In the last five places there are Chubb Ltd with USD 181.8 billion, Swiss RE with USD 181.6 billion, New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd with USD 177 billion, China Taiping Insurance Group with USD 176.8 billion and Voya Financial Inc with USD 171.3 billion.
Rank | Name | Assets |
1 | Ping An Insurance | 1591,7 |
2 | Allianz SE | 1289,5 |
3 | Berkshire Hathaway | 958,8 |
4 | Prudential Financial | 937,6 |
5 | AXA S.A. | 877,7 |
6 | Legal & General Group | 783,7 |
7 | China Life Insurance Co. Ltd | 767,6 |
8 | Nippon Life Insurance Company | 764,4 |
9 | Metlife Inc | 759,7 |
10 | Manulife Financial Corp | 716,2 |
11 | TIAA | 698,2 |
12 | Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. | 663,5 |
13 | American International Group | 596,1 |
14 | Japan Post Insurance Co. Ltd | 584,9 |
15 | Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc | 572,6 |
16 | CNP Assurances | 546,6 |
17 | Aegon N.V. | 530,7 |
18 | Zenkyoren | 524,2 |
19 | Power Corporation of Canada | 516,4 |
20 | Life Insurance Corporation of India | 507,3 |
21 | Aviva plc | 482,2 |
22 | Phoenix Group Holdings plc | 449,0 |
23 | Zurich Insurance Group AG | 435,8 |
24 | New York Life | 428,6 |
25 | Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd | 411,3 |
26 | Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company | 409,6 |
27 | Lincoln National Corp | 387,3 |
28 | Fubon Financial Holding Co. Ltd | 379,0 |
29 | Sumitomo Life Insurance Company | 373,8 |
30 | Munich Re Group | 353,6 |
31 | AIA Group Ltd | 334,8 |
32 | Northwestern Mutual | 334,7 |
33 | MassMutual | 327,5 |
34 | China Pacific Insurance Group | 305,4 |
35 | Principal Financial Group Inc | 304,7 |
36 | State Farm Companies | 299,1 |
37 | Nationwide Mutual | 295,7 |
38 | Samsung Life Insurance Co. Ltd | 287,6 |
39 | NN Group N.V. | 284,7 |
40 | Sun Life Financial Inc | 269,5 |
41 | Swiss Life Holding | 262,5 |
42 | Brighthouse Financial Inc | 259,8 |
43 | Tokio Marine Holdings Inc | 235,4 |
44 | Talanx AG | 223,5 |
45 | MS&AD Insurance | 217,3 |
46 | People’s Insurance Co of China | 216,0 |
47 | UnitedHealth Group | 212,2 |
48 | United Services Automobile Assoc. | 210,6 |
49 | Pacific Mutual Holding Company | 209,5 |
50 | Prudential plc | 199,1 |
51 | Chubb Ltd | 181,8 |
52 | Swiss RE | 181,6 |
53 | New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd | 177,0 |
54 | China Taiping Insurance Group | 176,8 |
55 | Voya Financial Inc | 171,3 |
The data used in the ranking of insurance companies in the world by total assets are expressed in billions of USD, refer to 31/12/2021 and have been collected from the main financial sites.