The 68 largest stock exchanges in the world

Stock exchanges play a vital role in the world economy. Higher is their market capitalization, higher is their weight in economy. Given their importance, as every year, we are going to publish the ranking of the stock exchanges by market capitalization. The data used to create the ranking were collected in the main financial sites, are expressed in millions of USD and refer to 30/04/2021. After this brief introduction, let’s now see which are the 68 largest stock exchanges in the world by market cap. The largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization is NYSE, followed by Nasdaq,… Continue reading

Ranking of stock exchanges in the world 2020

In the last years, many stock exchanges have reached impressive dimensions compared to the past, while others have become smaller. There are several factors that have led to these results, but they will not be analysed in this work, which will be focused on the realization of the ranking of the largest stock exchanges in the world. In this post, we are going to rank the stock exchanges by market capitalization and number of listed companies. The capitalization of a stock exchanges is given by the sum of the market cap of all listed companies. The market capitalization, in turn,… Continue reading