Top 100 most admired companies in the world

Corporate reputation is the general opinion that people have about a corporation or enterprise. It is very important to have a good reputation, because if the company has a positive reputation, it can attract better people, it is perceived as providing more value, its customers are more loyal, it has higher P/E multiples and market values and lower costs of capital. Most companies, however, do an inadequate job of managing their reputations in general and the risks to their reputations in particular. They tend to focus their energies on handling the threats to their reputations that have already surfaced. In… Continue reading

The world’s most valuable brands 2020

A brand is an intangible asset of a business, and helps in differentiating between a company’s book value and market value. Calculating the value of a brand is not simple, because due to its intangible nature, the power of a brand can be difficult to translate to a balance sheet. Knowing the brand value is fundamental for every company to know its brand value and there are a number of methods to measure the brand value of a company, but in this work, we are not going to focus on how to measure the brand value, but we are going… Continue reading

Top 35 Canadian insurance companies by assets

The Canadian insurance market in general has changed significantly over the last two years, with insurers taking a far more disciplined approach to underwriting beyond merely looking at price adequacy. Across the board, insurers are reducing their limits where appropriate, exiting certain industry segments, and reducing coverage. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 35 largest insurance companies in Canada by total assets, which still remains today, one of the most widely used indicators for comparing banks with each other. Let’s now see the 35 largest insurance companies in the Canada by assets. In the… Continue reading

Ranking of stock exchanges in the world 2020

In the last years, many stock exchanges have reached impressive dimensions compared to the past, while others have become smaller. There are several factors that have led to these results, but they will not be analysed in this work, which will be focused on the realization of the ranking of the largest stock exchanges in the world. In this post, we are going to rank the stock exchanges by market capitalization and number of listed companies. The capitalization of a stock exchanges is given by the sum of the market cap of all listed companies. The market capitalization, in turn,… Continue reading

Ranking of Insurance Companies in Europe 2020

Compared to last year, most of the European Union’s insurance companies have grown in the stock market, consequently, their market capitalisation has also continued to grow. This work will not be focused on what’s happens in the insurance market, but will be focused in the realization of the ranking of largest insurance companies in Europe by market cap. As we know, market capitalization refers to the total euro market value of a company’s outstanding shares. Commonly referred to as market cap, it is calculated by multiplying a company’s shares outstanding by the current market price of one share. The investment… Continue reading

Ranking of Banks in Europe 2020

A lot of things happen in the last year, that changes the rank of the biggest banks in Europe. Some of these companies have become larger compared to last year, other have become smaller. This work will not focus on the analysis of what’s happen in the banking market, but will focus on the realization of the ranking of European banks in 2020, by market capitalization. As we know, market capitalization is just the market value of a company’s outstanding shares. This indicator is found by taking the stock price and multiplying it by the total number of shares outstanding…. Continue reading

The rank of the largest banks in the world by assets

In the past the banking sector in the world was dominated by the US banks, but in the last year’s everything has changed. The Chinese banks are now dominating the ranking of the world’s largest banks. Also, banks from other countries have become bigger, so they can now have a more important role in the global economy. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 122 largest banks in the world by total assets, which still remains today, one of the most widely used indicators for comparing banks with each other. Let’s now see the ranking… Continue reading

The rank of the US largest banks by assets

The US banks continue to play an important role in the global economy, despite the increased weight and importance of banks of other countries in the last years, such as Chinese banks. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 52 largest banks in USA by total assets, which still remains today, one of the most widely used indicators for comparing banks with each other. Let’s now see the 52 largest banks in the USA by assets in 2019. In the top of the ranking of the largest banks in the US by assets is JP… Continue reading

The rank of the most valuable brands worldwide

The brand value is very important for the future of any company, because it expresses the strength of a brand on the market. It is an intangible value and does not represent the value of the company, which would obviously be a much greater value. Given its importance, in this this article we are going to present the ranking of the most valuable brands in the world in 2019. Let’s now see which are the top 25 brands worldwide. The total value of the top 25 most valuable brands worldwide is about 1,886 billion USD. In the ranking of the… Continue reading

The rank of the largest banks in the world by market cap

The role of the banks in the global economy is very important. Their performances in the stock markets influence directly and indirectly, not only the trend of the stock exchanges, but influence the entire economy of a country and also the wealth of individual savers. The size of a bank can be measured with several indicators, one of which is the market capitalization, which is given by the product between total shares and the market price. In this article, we are going to present the ranking of the biggest banks in the world by market capitalization. Let’s now see which… Continue reading