Top 40 largest Canadian insurance companies

The insurance sector has a significant weight in the Canadian economy, thus directly and indirectly influencing the economy of Canada. Let’s see now the 40 Canadian largest insurance companies by total assets. Manulife Financial Corporation is the largest insurer in Canada by assets and market capitalization. Great-West Lifeco, a subsidiary of Power Financial Corp, is the second-largest insurer in Canada by assets and the largest by gross premiums written. Desjardins is the third largest insurance company in the country, followed by Sun Life Financial, Fairfax Financial, iA Financial Corp, Intact Financial, E-L Financial Corp, La Capitale (Beneva) and RBC Life… Continue reading

Top 60 largest banks in the world

Compared with the last year, many banks have lost positions in the ranking of the largest banks in the worlds by market capitalization, others have gained positions and some, however, have maintained the same place in the ranking. Let’s now see the 60 largest banks in the world by market cap. In the latest ranking of banks in the world there are 12 US banks, 10 Chinese banks, 5 Canadian banks, 4 Australian banks, 4 Japanese banks, 3 British banks, 3 Indian banks, 2 French banks, 2 Spanish banks, 2 Singapore banks, 2 Hong Kong banks, 2 Brazilian banks, 2… Continue reading

The 68 largest stock exchanges in the world

Stock exchanges play a vital role in the world economy. Higher is their market capitalization, higher is their weight in economy. Given their importance, as every year, we are going to publish the ranking of the stock exchanges by market capitalization. The data used to create the ranking were collected in the main financial sites, are expressed in millions of USD and refer to 30/04/2021. After this brief introduction, let’s now see which are the 68 largest stock exchanges in the world by market cap. The largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization is NYSE, followed by Nasdaq,… Continue reading

Top UK insurance companies by assets and market cap

The insurance industry of the United Kingdom is one of the largest in the world and it is a world leader as an exporter of insurance to the rest of the world. The UK general insurance market continues to be fiercely competitive, but is troubled by sustained low profitability fuelled by the predominance of online distribution channels (aggregators, brokers and other direct distributors). The specialty and commercial lines market are the world’s largest, and truly global. Despite its traditional image, the pace of change is accelerating considerably, with increasing focus on new product development to address emerging risks, use of… Continue reading

Top 49 insurance companies in Europe by assets

The insurance industry plays an important role for European economy but it remains stuck in low-growth mode. In major markets, growth rates have been negligible or negative and underlying economic fundamentals appear shaky. Geopolitical uncertainty further complicates strategic planning. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 49 largest insurance companies in Europe by total assets, which still remains today, one of the most widely used indicators for comparing insurance with each other. Let’s now see the 49 largest insurance companies in Europe by assets. In the ranking of the 49 largest insurance companies in Europe… Continue reading

Top 60 largest banks in the world by assets

The banking system plays an important role in the modern economic world. Banks collect the savings of the individuals and lend them out to business and families. They represent a major component of the country’s financial system and play a key role in enhancing the overall economic growth of the country. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 60 largest banks in the world by total assets, which still remains today, one of the most widely used indicators for comparing banks with each other. Let’s now see the 60 largest banks in the world by… Continue reading

Top 50 largest insurance companies in the world

The insurance industry is a major component of the economy by virtue of the amount of premiums it collects, the scale of its investment and, more fundamentally, the essential social and economic role it plays by covering personal and business risks. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 50 largest insurance companies in world by total assets, which still remains today, one of the most widely used indicators for comparing insurance with each other. Let’s now see the 50 largest insurance companies in world by assets. In the ranking of the 50 largest insurance companies… Continue reading

Biggest banks in the US by assets

The US financial system is easily the largest in the world and, in many respects, the most advanced. It also has the greatest diversity of institutions, the widest variety of instruments, and the most highly developed derivative markets. The banks play an important role in the US financial system and the US economy. They, also, continue to play an important role in the global economy, despite the increased weight and importance of banks of other countries in the last years, such as Chinese banks. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 52 largest banks in… Continue reading

These 45 countries have the largest gold reserves

Considered a ‘safe haven’ during crises, the yellow metal is being stockpiled by central banks around the world. Central banks added 650 tons to their reserves in 2019, the second highest shift in 50 years, after 656 tons were added in 2018. Before the 2008 financial crisis, central banks were net sellers of gold worldwide for decades. Also, there has been a large effort by central banks to repatriate their gold as well, mostly from storage in New York Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, which are the two largest keepers of gold in the world. After this brief… Continue reading

Top 100 best world’s companies to work for

The performance of a company is linked to satisfaction of its work force. A company that does not measure and improve employee satisfaction may face increasing turnover, declining productivity and limited ability to attract and retain qualified replacements. Instead a company that provides better working conditions for its employees has better performance, because a quality work place is essential to keep your employees on task and working efficiently. Unfortunately, many companies do an inadequate job of measuring and improving the quality of the workplace and this implies negative performance for a company. In this work, we are not going to… Continue reading