Top 35 Canadian insurance companies by assets

The Canadian insurance market in general has changed significantly over the last two years, with insurers taking a far more disciplined approach to underwriting beyond merely looking at price adequacy. Across the board, insurers are reducing their limits where appropriate, exiting certain industry segments, and reducing coverage. In this work, we are going to present the rank of the 35 largest insurance companies in Canada by total assets, which still remains today, one of the most widely used indicators for comparing banks with each other. Let’s now see the 35 largest insurance companies in the Canada by assets. In the… Continue reading

Top 9 cities to live in Canada

Canada is one of the world’s safest, most comfortable countries, with citizens who enjoy generally contented lives free from substantial hardship. Also, it distinguishes itself with its internationally renowned universities, close proximity to nature, cultural diversity and even its safety and security. Moving in Canada is not simple and requires a lot of preparation and it is necessary to analysis the benefits and the costs. Even Canada stands out among other countries for its quality of life, every region has its own unique qualities. So, everybody needs to consider the quality of living, before moving in one region rather than… Continue reading

The 38 most affordable Canadian cities to buy a home

The economy of Canada is a highly developed market economy and it is dominated by the service industry which employs about three quarters of the population. Canada is considered an “energy superpower” due to its abundant natural resources and a small population of 37 million inhabitants relative to its land area. The role of the real estate sector in the Canadian economic growth is very important and it is expected to be more important in the future. In 2019 the real estate and rental and leasing contributed about 13% to Canada’s GDP and also over half of GDP growth was… Continue reading